Root Canals

Root Canals

Root Canal Services For Columbia, SC

A root canal is a dental treatment that is used to save a tooth that is infected or badly decayed. During a root canal procedure, the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. The nerve and the pulp are removed. If you don’t get treatment for the tooth that needs a root canal, the tooth may become infected and abscesses can form. Root canal treatments are highly successful as teeth fixed with a root canal procedure can last a lifetime!

Dr. Yung Richard offers professional root canal services to the greater Columbia, SC area. For more information on our root canal services or to schedule a root canal, call us today!

Root Canal Columbia, SC

“Root canal” is a term that describes a natural cavity in the center of the tooth. The pulp is the soft area in the root canal. Inside the root canal, lies the tooth’s nerve. A tooth’s nerve provides the sensation of cold or hot. It is not vitally important to the health of your tooth. Damage to a tooth’s nerve can be caused from deep decay, repeated dental procedures, a crack in your tooth, trauma to the face or large fillings. 

What Happens if the Pulp of Your Tooth Gets Infected?

It's very important to keep your teeth clean. They are meant to last a lifetime, but when one tooth becomes injured or diseased, it is important to get dental care as soon as possible. When you have an infection or inflammation in your tooth, it can spread to the root and lead to pain and swelling. This can lead to an abscess, which is a pus-like sac. Bacteria from these infections can lead to bone damage. Root canal therapy can most likely help save these teeth. For more information or to schedule services, contact our family dentistry office in Columbia, SC today.

What are Some Signs that Root Canal Services are Needed?

  • Severe tooth pain
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures
  • Discoloration of the tooth
  • Swelling in the gums
  • Tenderness in the gums
  • Recurring pimple on the gums

What Should You Expect After a Root Canal Procedure?

After the root canal procedure, you should not feel any more pain. It's important to chew gently on the side where the root canal was completed to avoid hurting the tooth and preventing it from breaking. The tooth may feel sensitive after the treatment, but this is normal as there is natural tissue inflammation. This can be controlled with over-the-counter medication as well as ice. Most patients can return to their normal activities the next day. Brush and floss as normal and see your family dentistry team every 6 months.

Call our General Dentist for Root Canal Services & More

If you notice any of these signs, it's important to call our family dentistry team as we can set you up with an appointment. Do not leave the problem as it can cause a serious infection, tooth abscess, pulp death, bone loss, or the loss of the tooth. Contact us today!
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